EAA Chapter 1556 is located in Gainesville, Texas.

We are a 501c3 nonprofit organization dedicated to promoting General Aviation within the local community through various events and activities.

Our chapter is focused on providing children (aka: Young Eagles) ages 8-17 years old a free flight experience. During these Young Eagle events, the children will participate in ground school activities and take a short flight in a general aviation aircraft. By doing this we hope to spur the desire to fly within children, in the hope that they may pursue Aviation as either a hobby or a successful career path.

Other events and activities we may host throughout the year:

  • Fly-ins

  • Fly-outs

  • Cook outs

  • Young Eagle Flight Days

  • Young Eagle Ground Schools

  • Monthly Safety Meetings

This Chapter is open to ALL individuals, Pilots, Non Pilots, EAA Members or Non EAA Members.